The Solutions News

In the past 20 years, thousands of people have placed their trust in the Center for Media and Peace Initiatives (CMPI) as we redefine the contours of journalism – making it clear the media could be a weapon for peace and solutions in moments of crisis, uncertainty, solidarity, and hope. Many supporters and readers have recently taken the step to support us financially – keeping us open to all, and fiercely independent.

With no shareholders or billionaire owner, and the International Journal of Media and Public Policy both owned by CMPI can set its own agenda and provide trustworthy journalism that’s free from commercial and political influence, offering a counterweight to the spread of misinformation. When it’s never mattered more, we can investigate and challenge without fear or favor. We couldn’t do this without readers like you.

Ahead of what is certain to be a pivotal year, we’re raising $500,000.00 to fund our reporting in 2022. If you can, please consider contributing so that we can continue to deliver journalism that sheds a light on injustice and drives meaningful change. It is reader support that makes our high-impact journalism possible and gives us the emotional support to keep doing journalism that matters.

Unlike many others, journalism is available for everyone to read, regardless of what they can afford to pay. We do this because we believe in information equity.

We aim to offer readers a comprehensive, international perspective on critical events shaping our world – from the crackdown on voting rights to corrosive racial inequality and the erosion of democratic norms.

Every contribution, however big or small, powers our journalism and sustains our future. Support the from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Click and donate: